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Small small world

a marching maskerade

'' There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all''

Small Small world is an ongoing project in collaboration with my very tall and talented friend Tabor Idema. Even tough we don't necessarily look much alike, we where convinced that our characters would do so. Based solely on the fact that we could really relate to each others work.


Early Winter 2020, Tabor and I decided to get to know each other. To find out how much we really shared after all. We committed to collaborate, both as artist on a piece of work & as humans in the challenge of living. 

What better way to do so than hiking? Strolling though valleys and climbing up some physical mountains to ‘metaphorize’ the emotional. 


We booked a little hiking vacation to Slovenia and by the guise of 'travel light' we decided only to bring the most essentials. For a whole week we only 'dressed up like ourselves'. 


After that week of walking and talking, we came back with two things. First of all ‘Small Small World’, an exhibition that shows a video series of living postcards we performed in Slovenia.

Secondly we came back with the knowledge that we’re nothing like at all!

But thank god, we can still share…<3

This is an ongoing project, so Tabor and I will share more of this small small world in a very near  future!

video installation

language: no problem

duration: 20 min


©  Laila Claessen

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